Ichimoku is a major Japanese research project on the stock market at the time. This work is currently unknown as to who, specifically in that study has been written into books. Somewhere, this book is being stored in a museum in America. But so far no one has read this book. Until now, there is still quite a mystery for this original case.

Here are the parameters formed by some authors who saw the chart, then they rewrote. This system is quite complicated, made up of many different lines. But the characteristic of this system is the Kumo cloud (Kumo: Japanese is cloud/cloud).
System Ichimoku

Ichimoku is formed by 5 different lines (Chinkou Span, Senkan Span A, Senkan Span B, Tenkan - Sen and Kijun - Sen) cloud is formed by 2 lines Senkan Span A and Senkan Span B. Default parameters of This system is 9, 26, 52.

Parameters 9, 26, 52 are valid. At that time, the stock market traded 6 sessions / week. So:
- Number 9 is 1 week + 1/2 weeks.
- Number 26 is the number of trading sessions in a month.
- 52 is corresponding to 1 year with 52 weeks.

Currently the financial market only operates 5 sessions per week. With the meaning of the above parameters, investors can customize to: 7, 22, 52

The meaning of the cloud kumo

With the image above you see two different colored clouds.
- Pink / red cloud: Cloud is falling, forming this cloud when Senkan Span A is under Senkan Span B: So the price line below the pink / red cloud will be difficult to rise, or is at risk further muscle reduction.
- Blue cloud: A cloud of price increases, forming this cloud when Senkan Span A is on Senkan Span B: So the price line going above the blue cloud will likely increase.
- The price line in the cloud: When the price line is in the cloud, it means that the cloud cover is obscure, not clear the trend of the next path. So this price range restricts transactions.
Some cloud-color software will be the opposite, especially on MT4 and MT5 software to default to the opposite color from Amibroker.

Meaning 2 Tenkan-Sen and Kijun-Sen lines

- Tenkan-Sen: Red line.
- Tenkan-Sen: Dark green lines.
When the red line cuts the green line downwards, it is possible to start a bearish reversal and vice versa. How to trade on the order below.

Trading method on Ichimoku

Enter buy (buy) order and close buy order (Close option buy):

- The red line is on the blue line.
- The price line lies in the cloud as possible.
- If not above, then on the BUY command when the price line starts to cross the clouds above. Cross the blue cloud as much as possible.
- Close the order when the red line cuts the green line down.
Enter option BUY

Enter the sell (sell) order and close the sell order (Close option sell):

- The red line is below the blue line.
- The price line is below the cloud.
- If not below, then enter the SELL order when the price line starts to cross the clouds up and down. Cross the pink / red clouds as much as possible.
- Close the order when the red line cuts the green line up.

Enter option SELL
This is a very complex system, in order to get a deeper understanding of the parameters and lines, it is advisable to look for additional reading materials. Here I only guide how to use the most basic trading, the most basic information.